[1.35K Shares] Dark Spring Event 10K G / 50 Shares

It's spring, but the darkness still keeps coming...

(Please note this event has changed to a SHARE event!)



We are back again with Gold giveaway event to help you get back the light!




Hello Dark Warrior,
Click on the Share button on Facebook for Dark Sword's official event.
Whenever the Share numbers exceed a multiple of 50, I will give you 10,000 Gold.
May the blessings of the darkness and fortunes of death be with you...
Event post to like: https://www.facebook.com/PlayNANOO/photos/a.1648786325366931.1073741828.1641471162765114/1745404295705133/?type=3&theater
Event period: From 4/11 to 4/18
Reward Info
- 10,000 Gold coupon code will be released whenever Share numbers reach a multiple of 50
- Hurry now! Coupon code use period is 24 hours from being made public.
- Rewards are available for Android users only (Sorry iOS users)
1200 Shares -> 10,000 Gold -> TOYES7LD (Expires 4/24)
1250 Shares -> 10,000 Gold -> DMMQRVPA (Expires 4/24)
1300 Shares -> 10,000 Gold -> ANXDPGZ8 (Expires 4/24)
1350 Shares -> 10,000 Gold -> 16BOCRMU (Expires 4/24)
Not bad
We need soul event
Soul event/coupon plz
Its an amazing game..loved it....like and share it...
Give me souls :-) pls