Advice ?

I'm new , I'm in the 7th area and was wondering what are some tips other players can give me about farming certain levels or something for gear.

For gold (which you require in copious amounts to upgrade gear), early on your best bet is to sit and play as many video ads as you're allowed; maybe watch some TV while doing this. It's tedious, but at your level will still provide a sizable boost.

As you get up into Hell Difficulty you'll find the gold value of dropped equipment begins to occasionally approach that of an ad video. However, well before then you can spend 50 souls on infinite stamina and just run through a boss stage (ideally one where you can 1-2 hit normal enemies and not require any potions to regularly defeat the boss) over and over, selling off 99% of the equipment and equipping it if it's better than what you have. With dedicated play time (again, just sell items and restart on Auto-Play while jogging, watching TV, or some other more productive activity), those 50 souls can net in the millions of gold per day, mostly from selling items.

For equipment, purchased items are based on character level, so I suggest considering leveling up (which, incidentally, is handled nicely by grinding for gold as described above) until you can buy a weapon 2-4 tiers above the best you get through enemy drops at the highest stage you can take, and repeat every 3-4 tiers. Otherwise (and without alternative once you hit Stage 9 in Hell difficulty) you can grind as above and equip any items that provide better stats than what you already have; Boss X-3 of the highest stage you can take is usually the easiest option for this.


With the Lock/Unlock options I suggest trying to keep two of each piece of gear, one to max out attack (easy on armor and accessories, as the bonus doesn't rise with upgrades) and one to maximize defense (easy on weapons for the same reason), then find the sweet spot for your current needs. Remember max attack makes grinding for gold on lower stages more effecient!

For experience, you gain significantly more the higher the stage you choose, so try to get as far as you can in the game to raise your level. The level cap is 99, and any additional character growth will come from upgraded and substituted gear.