Make the Game less Pay to Win

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Progress: HELL 10-1, Infinity tower: 84F
lvl: 81
Weapon : Inferno Sword
Head: Tier 15 Epic
Shoulders: Tier 15 Epic
Ring: Tier 14 Rare
Necklace: Tier 14 Epic
Pet: LvL 6

The game is even more pay to win then it was before. Gold Reward is gone, drop rates IMO are same or lower. At low lvl I got atleast 1 or 2 legendary drops. The last 3 Purchases for 100 Souls were awfull. I really dislike the +30, 100 soul rewards they are just a lame way to reward new players, but what we players that try to beat the game get? Nothing. Curently here im sitting whit my char, waiting for daily raids and doing nothing. Sometimes, like twice a day i replay older stages hoping for a rare or better drop to update my item. I really liked the game, but now its boring, there is nothing you can do. 

The added pet system is HORRIBLE. You need STONES to level up your pet, whos idea was this? Its just another way how to milk money from players. The only stupidest thing to level up a pet would be souls. Really dislike this. Either the devs care only for money, or this "community forum" is just for us players with zero fuck given from the side of the developers.

I hope the game will change, or atleast change to be more fair for players who dont pay. What do you get from spending money? Well you can show off you char how awesome it is. Thats all... I hope Im not the only one who dislikes the current state of the game. Hope there will be some changes soon. I will give the game weeks, maybe a month.

Have a nice day