My Hero

There's no fun without having to work hard to get nice equipment, that Hack is shit
I understand you man! Its very very hard, get some nice equipment in original app! But I hope you don't mind... I'm not doing a joke with no one but its very hard get every thing in other app. Sorry if you get upset with it
Nah dude, everyone can use whatever they want, its ok even I tried that but just to have a "free trial" of the unique set, but then I came back to my normal account and I already got 2 unique items which is awesome, I mean that the Hack is shit because some people just play that and left the original game which devepelopers made with big effort, I hope you play the original too, is really satisfying to get Strong in a hard game xD anyways peace out
Real or fake? just joke lol
OK bro! I played the original app a long time to finally get 100 souls, and when I decided to use them not gained any useful equipment. Dai suffered for over a long time gathering again new 100 souls and once again did not come nothing good .. So I found myself at the 90 level with super weak equipment .. So I get angry and picked up this hack ... So assimconsegui the set hell ... No suffer as many hours and days begging souls ..
No joke tho.... I've played long enough to have spent 3000 souls. That's 30 pulls of 12... 360 items. Those 30 pulls value about $50 and only get 3 unique pieces so far lol, not even same set.... so you'd roughly need to spend at least $200 to get a set lmao
No joke tho.... I've played long enough to have spent 3000 souls. That's 30 pulls of 12... 360 items. Those 30 pulls value about $50 and only get 3 unique pieces so far lol, not even same set.... so you'd roughly need to spend at least $200 to get a set lmao
Someone there already arrived in difficulty (DARK)? I arrived with the full hell in September but still has no way to go further ... The level is extremely hard and I'm taking a beating despite being strong. Now I need stones to evolve the set but almost never appears no phases ... and the dragon is still almost impossible to evolve ... Not buying the stones and evil is gained in stages .. I find this very unfair game it is almost impossible to reach the end of the game. But ... To play ...