1.3.1 Update Released

1.3.1 Update Release
Beta period for the Arena has ended. Begin your missions now!
<End of Arena Beta Period>
Arena beta period has ended along with the 1.3.1 update. Begin Victory Missions and Ranking Missions for rewards.
Ranking will remain the same as during the beta period.
<Hacked game users in Arena>
We have deleted all the users that have hacked the game.
We may not be able to stop all the hackers, however we will be monitoring users in the top 100. User reporting are welcomed. (Specific proof for hacking may get you some reward.)
<About the Update>
1. User’s attack value in the Arena includes the following categories (These were applied within the game, just not
-Inferno set bonus
-Attack bonus for Deep Sea Crystal (Attack value increase during battle)
-Gem collect bonus
2. Modified calculation of attack value 
-Modified treasure bonus effects which were incorrectly applied
-There may be changes in attack value depending on the user’s stats
3. Modified game balance
-Changed Arena damage value from 1.3 to 1.2 (Small increase of damage to the character)
-Increased time out limit from 60 seconds to 100 seconds
-Maximum skill reuse time in the Arena restricted to 50% (75% in other modes)
4. Modified maximum level for some Treasures
5. Fixed other bugs
May the blessings of darkness and fortune of death be with you...  
Where to update.
Great thank q
If I may, I've come to have millions of gold and nothing to do upgrade, I think if you could pelmet something useful to do with gold could be interesting and awesome for end tier players, like buying stone which are hard to come by, or buy keys or chest. Just my thought
i lost 6.500.000 atk

What new guyz?
What new guyz?
Very good update.