Bug Hunting

I would like to point out some of the bugs that I noticed during my gameplay.


Some of the users (including me) can't get daily rewards (keys in the ARENA) anymore (meant from the start - only the first mission gave us that single key).



The next bug is also in the ARENA. Lets say you rank below 400, which means the next reward (50 souls) is going to be after you reach rank 200 or lower. But if you decay over the time (example: 382 place -> 452 place) the reward shows that if you reach rank 400 again you will recieve 50 souls again, but upon reaching it, it automatically switches to rank 200 for the next reward (just a minor display bug).



Audio bug: If you mute the game on your phone, the next time you start it (after loading), it plays the intro music for 1 second and then it gets muted -> really annoying.



Notification bug: I noticed this only happens when it is time for the daily raid. Basically you get about 15 messages on your phone that it is opened (ex.: 18:00-20:00).



Daily raid timer bug: Lets say you can barely do your daily raid on time. If you kill all the boss monsters and you still have 0:03 seconds left you are going to lose because the timer does not stop

and it goes down which results in you losing.



I wouldn't call this a bug but ill just point it out here. Basically anywhere you have AUTO SKILL enabled and you have that skill which buffs your DMG or ATT SPEED (don't know the exact names) it is going to get negated. By that I mean when it gets casted another skill goes into effect, which results in a complete waste of the first skill (long story short: AUTO SKILL uses that skill which increases your ATT SPEED/DMG and right after that it casts something like SWORD QUAKE -> wastes the buff you recieved from the first skill).



There are other bugs out there but I think this is enough for now.


If they did care to fix it by now do youbthink they give a damn? They are money grubbing fast and thats about it
Its only natural that they would want to get money, any company does... that is their sole reason to make a game come out in the first place. Even so to keep players and to get new ones they need to fix the bugs. The game is not anywhere near the stage of dying.
They only let you get a certain amount of keys then no matter how many you win no keys wait till next day or go to your other man in the super mode they go to your main players stats
They only let you get a certain amount of keys then no matter how many you win no keys wait till next day or go to your other man in the super mode they go to your main players stats
They only let you get a certain amount of keys then no matter how many you win no keys wait till next day or go to your other man in the super mode they go to your main players stats