dear friends. in the mode pvp have many cheaters

Im here to call for help. To solve the problem of pvp. My character is real and I play with him a long 2 years. But I can not defeat players of 70000 or more than that. It is ridiculous not to have a balance to make the balanced duels. every time I want to fight to get 2 key s. characters appear 350000, pow this is a roubo.Peço for developers to solve this first and correct these cheaters. I can not even to the level dark, imagine defeat these cheaters 500000. my character has 13000 attack and defense 17000.
Lol they are not cheater. 13000 attack and defense 17000 is too weak. Get new item and your point will increase massively
If you take a look at the rank chart. 1st place have more than 1 billion attack point i remember
I am at the 4th reset and i have allready 10kk atk and 5kk def with lvl 77 or 78. 3 inferno items on me :-)))))
Had 3 inferno item lost my access to my account neway I only played bout 4 months an had over 3 mil in attack use to the the same thing takes souls if you want to be the best spent 1000 an not one unic item best of luck c u n the ring Ding ding
Yeah. The thing is cheaters are exsist in this game (a lot) But you can easily recognize them. For example: Face a lvl 20 guy with 200 m attack and 3 billion def.....