I still can't find where free gifts are

Pfff.... i posted once that the free gifys (stamina for 24 h and exp pot) in the upper right of screen (in game) is settings...
The one that looks like an envelope can't u see it? Its impossible if its missing
If u don't still get it near the keys and then the envelope the one I'm talking
Near the keys is the inbox sign, when i get gofts, they are inbox. But... after got it, thoose pots are nowhere....
Omg..... Your starting to confuse me
If you are speaking of the EXP pots they are NOT Saved once redeeming them the clock is ticking you will one hour to use those EXP pots. Just before you enter campaign on any difficulty you will see the first potion category and EXP potion should be there with however much time it had on it like an hour or more etc.