Stamina gift of the day.....

To whom it concerns.... when I'm supposed to get the gift of unlimited stamina for 24 hrs,I click on it but don't receive it. I get soul gifts but stamina or 2double exp. for 24hrs. don't come through. I've been part of the D.S. gamers for over 2yrs & have never had a problem before.... can someone help???
You did you get stamina and souls just fine so I assume you don't have a problem there, but as for the 24 hours at the end of the day the 30 stamina is cheaper than the 24 hour but if your like me, you always collect that daily reward to get over 400 stamina like me.
If you re-read my comment... ".I do get soul gifts, BUT STAMINA OR 2X EXP.FOR 24HRS DON'T COME THROUGH". Thanks for the tip anyway.