[EVENT ENDED] Collect Allies Event

Gather as many Allies as possible during the event. 

Take a screenshot of the lobby screen and leave a post.

Souls will be sent out as gifts!


50 souls will be issued just for participating.

10 users who have collected over 10 Allies will be issued with 500 souls. (The 10 users will be chosen by the admins on 5/18)

To Participate

1. Take a screenshot of the lobby screen

2. Post with the screenshot as a comment to this thread (Do not make a new thread)

Additional Info

1. There will be an increased chance of being chosen for those with more Allies
2. You may leave another post if you’ve increased the number of Allies during the event. (No duplicate rewards will be given however.)

I have five allies.

The dragon slayer has four allies

I have 5 allies . One is not seen on lobby screen.

I've 5 allies

only one, hehe....

I have 11 allies
Hello, can anyone tell me how I can be part of all these Tournaments?