A 100 soul gamble paid off, a lucky day for once.

Very pleased today got a lot of uniques. But unique swords is all I wanted and I got one, hours ago. It brings back the excitement like when I'm starting and now have completed another set. Just need to purchase a limited item for my new sword.

These soul gifts really helped so I dont forget to give thanks specially when I get something I need. I just hope events like this continue and in the next update, a new wing is available. I'll continue to support this game for sure.

Thank you.

Wish I could get one of these again 😅

Key to success:
1. Never miss to collect soul gifts on inbox
2. Save souls for more draws (300 souls or more recommended)
3. Collect as much gold and stones on drops for upgrades
4. Play Light Sanctuary to unlock Allies (great help)
5. Most important of all "be patient"

Luck will come to you when it's time.. so stay positive 🙌 always.