Game update

Nanoo I have updated my game from v2.3.2 to v2.3.3 but it still showing 2.3.2 in game.However in app info it shows v2.3.3.Zigen are u facing this condition.
Yes I do. A minor bug fix update. The version number may change in due time.
Anyway Sohan, do you use the same "SR" name in Youtube? I saw that name with a picture of a white cat with eyes in diff. color. He maybe someone else.. whatever.
Yes I do. A minor bug fix update. The version number may change in due time. Anyway Sohan, do you ...
No zigen I don't have a youtube channel so there is no question of using any name.I just use YouTube for limited purposes mainly for trailers.

Anyway I got a berserker ring by combining an inferno ring with blizzard ring.Again bad luck ,I was hoping to get dark ring.Do u think a special combination is required to get a specific item.
Haha I'm sorry. I thought it was you who's commenting on a tech review channel cause it was the same name. Good thing I didn't bother to ask him. Nevermind..
Anyway I got a berserker ring by combining an inferno ring with blizzard ring.Again bad luck ,I was ...

Not that I know of something but one time I combined an inferno ring with a lightning and I got a dark ring. I haven't tried it again so I cant confirm. I got a total of 4 dark rings from the game. I combine it with lightning to get berserker ring to complete the set. 3 of D-rings came from 100 soul draws. Shop is easiest to get one.

By the way that is the best inferno ring that I have seen so far. So many boosted stats. This is what's left of my dark rings.