Best tips on combining weapons?

any tips on combining to get better weapon types?
Combine Tier 15 Legendary items (swords). They are the best items to combine to get uniques.
Am I right? To get best results, combine weapons of the same type (I.E. only combine physical attribute + physical also... Fire + Fire etc.). Also, "Tier" should be the same? But how many items should we combine (Minimum) to expect a good result? Thanks a lot for your help!
Yes that's true. It's better to have the same attributes (e.g. fire x5, or lightning x5 & etc.) and same tier grade so it will result probably in an upgrade than a downgrade. The number of swords combined may differ in results. In one old post I have seen a player combined 2 tier 15 legendary swords and resulted in a berserker sword. Also my friend Kartik if I remember combined 10 to 12 swords and resulted in a Dark sword. See the difference?

Remember that it is not a guarantee that you will get one instantly. It's always a gamble but here you have a chance to get a unique sword. Luck must be on your side and surely it's a great blessing if you do get one 😁
Yes that's true. It's better to have the same attributes (e.g. fire x5, or lightning x5 & etc.) ...
Gotcha much thanks! I guess patience, a lot of it... is the key!
True 😁.

And surprisingly in armors, it's much easier. Just 2 tier 15 armors if lucky can result in anything. I got inferno helm and dark helm each by combine.