Got the inferno sword in 3 level of 2 round [3-2] inferno mode

Bro i am thinking to change its options but i think i have to collect another unique to complete a set then change option because for now i have lightening sword.
Bro I have crossed that level and now Im there in Defending grenichen level 3 I didn't got any unique but I got a legendary sword
Bro what is ours current level
Bro it was luck for me i am playing old levels then i got it from giant skeleton warrior. But it was not much good

Oh yes sure
So you finally got one Manu, and guess what.. the most valuable of all drops 😄.
Told you.. it's for real.
Now for the inferno sword, you should change the stats only if it lack something important that you want.
You already have unique swords, so your priority now must be to complete a full unique set. My suggestion is change options later when you have at least 3 pieces of the same type (e.g. sword, armor or accessories of lightning). You will need lots of souls and time to complete one.

Also do not upgrade multiple swords at once. Choose only one and upgrade the sword that you like with the best set of skills that you use to fight enemies. You can transfer the upgrades later.