24 hour Shop Stamina didn't work... took 50 of my souls

This happen to you? Purchased the 24 hour stamina offer for 50 souls... it took the 50 souls but didn't start the 24 hour stamina deal. No reply from support 😑
No this didn't happened with me
I didnt used it i use video add for stamina 😅😅
I didnt used it i use video add for stamina 😅😅
Will never do that again... it's a trap hahaha!
I used 50 souls for time potion but nothing happend
No reply from support
I used 50 souls for time potion but nothing happend No reply from support
Really sad. Hope they make it right and get back with us. 50 souls up in smoke.
You will be notified with a word "success" once the purchase was consumated. There must be a 24 hour time that will show underneath the 24hrs stamina potion. If there is non and when you play stage games, the stamina is still decreased then you encountered some glitch in the purchase.

My friend had a problem like this once and told me his solution is to use the 24hrs stamina ONLY after turning off the wifi or data on his phone and restarting the game to avoid the glitch (use offline mode). This problem never happened to me that a purchase didn't worked so I could not verify. You could try this steps if it works for you 👍
You will be notified with a word "success" once the purchase was consumated. There must be...
Thanks a lot! Yeah it did say "success" but the timer did not start up. Nothing happened. Souls lost.
Sometimes shit happens but we know those lost souls will be replaced, so just try again and don't be discouraged. If problems persist we can report it. But Nanoo is answering on a delayed basis.
Woohoo! Nanoo gave back my 50 souls! Thank you! 😊 Still, will never do that again!