Zombie bots that don't attack each other when you max level, is this intentional or glitch?

So I noticed whenever I get to Max level, the server resets and all new characters come in. Many times I will be watching these characters standing around next to each other and not fighting with each other. On this last game I saw three characters standing side by side in the road for a long time it was really creepy. I noticed that they all start coming toward me as well wherever I'm at on the map. I will have three of these characters at a time attacking me without shooting a single shot at each other. I wonder if when you get to Max level the bots start focusing all of their attention on you? I don't mind if they do because I enjoy the challenge. I do have a video I posted in YouTube (YAFONOOB) showing this strange phenomenon. What are your thoughts on it?
Anyone else experience this?

It's not a glitch. The intentional design is playing out in a weird way which may look like a glitch. Please note that some changes will be coming that will resolve this issue in the coming updates.