What is the crit and head shot multiplier?

Is the crit and head shot multiplier both x1.5? I am using rika a lot and noticed I do double damage when I get a crit headshot.
Yeah I think that was on one of the patch notes of an update
After more testing it looks like crit headshots do not have a damage boost compared to normal headshots. I think crit does more damage when it hits the body.

My Rika damage: 30
Normal headshot damage: 60
Crit headshot damage: 60
Normal body shot: 30
Crit body shot: 60
After more testing it looks like crit headshots do not have a damage boost compared to normal headsh...
What level do u have it at cause at 15 I think that’s when the critical does more damage on the head then the body
What level do u have it at cause at 15 I think that’s when the critical does more damage on the head...
Thats what I was expecting too, but the crit headshots and normal headshots do the same amount. And my Rika is level 13.
I might go in io mode and do more testing with Eva because its easier to see her damage numbers.
Test 2 Eva

No scope Eva level 11 base damage: 121.5
Normal body hit: 121
Crit body hit: 139
Normal headshot: 242
Crit headshot: 278
I think the .5 of base damage is dropped and the system only uses whole numbers.


Normal body hit: base damage x 1
Crit body hit: base damage x 1.15
Normal headshot: base damage x 2
Crit headshot: base damage x 2.15

Apparently there is an increase in damage for crit headshots compared to normal headshots but it was smaller than I thought it would be.