Please fix deployment resources

My deployment level is max, yet the resources i've received always low. Eventhought it was a high star area, the resources are still the same.

Please fix it and add more suitable and reasonable resources reward and reduce the discover time because i have wasted many bullets and caps upgrading it to max.


High stars..yet the rewards..wasted my bullets and caps upgrading..and 2x rewards with watching video doesn't help much.
Hello developers?
Hello developers?
They wont answer. They still havent fixed the back button as an exit button that has been screwed up since last update. Cant even exit the game now. Also have yet to deal with obvious cheating scores in arcade mode. I dont even know if this game is still being maintained.
They wont answer. They still havent fixed the back button as an exit button that has been screwed up...
Then it's time to quit this game :) bye bye