In-game currency (Gold / Soul / Stamina)

Dark Sword has 3 currency - Gold / Soul / Stamina, which is on top of the main game screen.



The most basic currency acquired for eliminating monsters or selling equipment - Mainly used for strengthening equipment.


Acquired by: Adventure reward / Equipment sale / In-shop purchase



Used for: Strengthening Equipment




Souls are the most important currency in the Dark world for purchasing equipment or speical potions.


Acquired by: Infinity Tower (3 Souls for every cleared stage) / Friends Invite (30 Souls / invited friend) / In-shop purchase

Used for: Purchasing Gold / Recharging Stamina / Drawing equipment / Purchasing potions 




1 Stamina is needed to play 1 stage of normal adventure or to play Infinity Tower.

1 Stamina per set period of time is recharged automatically. It can also be purchased in the Shop.


Cooldown time for automatic recharge: 15 mins for Normal mode / 7 mins for Hardcore mode


Maximum acquirable by automatic recharge: 20 Stamina 
how do i invite my friend? help me
dimana saya bisa membeli soul atau mendownloud soul?
How do I invite my friends?
How do I invite my best friend?
I have a problem. Stamina is not recharging. The timer of cooling down shows that it is 50 minets are left, but even I reboot the game, timer comes back to 50 minets. I can't play. Please, help. Need to solve this problem