Battle Interface and Game Control

1. Battle Interface 



2. Basic Control

◼︎ Normal Attack: Tap Attack button while standing still

◼︎ Dash Attack: Tap Attack button while moving left or right

◼︎ Jump Attack: Tap Attack button while in mid-air by jumping


3. Special Attack

◼︎ Downward Blow: Tap Attack button while in Jump Attack (200% damage)

◼︎ Power Attack: Autmoatic activation by tapping Attack button while the combo number is of multiple of 9 (250% damage)

◼︎ Use Skill: Activate by tapping the skill button to be used. Wait for cooldown to complete until the next use of the skill.


4. Combos

◼︎ Combo number increase for every attack on the enemy. Power Attack is activated when the number is a multiple of 9.

◼︎ The combo number resets when hit by enemy


5. HP Recovery Potion

◼︎ Potion button shown upon possessing the HP potion

◼︎ 30% HP is recoverd immediately upon use

◼︎ Maximum of 10 potions can be used per battle (3 in Hardcore mode)

◼︎ HP Recovery can be acquired in Extra Bonus or purchased in the Shop


6. Time Limit (Time Out)

◼︎ Every stage must be cleared within the given time

◼︎ Spend 1 Soul to extend gameplay by 30 seconds upon going over time limit (Limited to once)

◼︎ Acquired equipment or stones acquired during battle will all be lost upon time out (However, experience and Gold will remain acquired)

◼︎ Purchase unlimited time potion in the shop for playing stages without time limit (Enabled for 24 hours per potion)
