Newbie here, need help

How to use gemstone
Yeah I was actually about to ask the same question. With the element stones does the weapon have to be fully upgraded. Also 2nd question what is the best way to level up? HcA
Not too sure ab
Dark Sword Official Guides 목록 Stones #1 Steve Mathew 7월 19일 오후 9:40 Whats the use of the stones? 1 GEM을 받은 포스팅입니다. #2 ‫علی شعبانی‬‎ 7월 20일 오후 2:42 Can be used to upgrade pets and items max level #3 Jhon mark Dizon 7월 24일 오전 12:06 How to use the stone in equipments. #4 Jhon mark Dizon 7월 24일 오전 12:06 How to use the stone in equipments. #5 Khalid Ahmed 어제 오전 9:41 When you reach Max level , you can use 5 stones to increase max lvl eg. 120 to 125 for swords. You can also use them to lvl up ur pet. 목록 글쓰기 개발자 · 개인정보정책 · 이용약관
Dark Sword Official Guides 목록 Wtf #1 Steve Mathew 7월 18일 오전 10:27 Wtf every stage u need a new sword. Did u know how hard to get item with a good option. Wtf im not rich to spend money like that. This game is for rich only. #2 Jhayr Espiritu 7월 18일 오전 10:45 Kill monster if your lucky enough you will have a good sword. #3 Steve Mathew 7월 18일 오전 11:53 Yeah good sword but bad option. #4 DarkS 7월 18일 오후 4:00 Collecting coins from early stages (sell everything you got) and waiting for free souls (check inbox, sometimes i got 30-50 souls everyday/every 2 days) .. When you have 100 souls, buy equipment pack.. Upgrade with coins you collecting before.. Repeat.. That's how i play.. #5 DarkS 7월 18일 오후 4:03 Use coupon too, it gives you 30 souls.. Google it 목록 글쓰기 개발자 · 개인정보정책 · 이용약관