We need people to agree and support this !!!
Good idea btw, we can reset stats and skills. But it will be different options mb for more possibilities
Also would be a good idea to enable/disable autoskill for each skill independently by long-tap for instance
we know that pvp arena isnt online battle right,. So this is what i expect, there is new big boss monster and have to be kill with teammate, maybe 2 or 3 player. but i think its imposibble cos the gameplay will be different.
we know that pvp arena isnt online battle right,. So this is what i expect, there is new big boss monster and have to be kill with teammate, maybe 2 or 3 player. but i think its imposibble cos the gameplay will be different.
wohooo that situatio,.. more soul will spend :( but its okay,..
Yeah I wish the Devs will read this and hopefully take action but we'll I guess it's just a handful of people who are active on the forums
there is some 3 or 4 monster, some minion and a dragon as big boss,. how abt that?
Yeah but the dragon is not really that hard to kill it just have more health and powerful attacks which u have to doge
but "FOR THIS STAGE ONLY" we can walk around the arena not just go left or right,. just like mmorpg game