Just farm u can also get stones in hell mode patience is the most Important key to this game....if your rushing to become strong u need to spend some money....
i am not rushing actually but i am unlucky :) and i spend souls to buy 100soul 12 item chest maybe it drops unique etc :) whay u suggest where should i spend the souls
You have to know this where it is drop in the dark mode upon defeating the final boss,more ways,stones are drops anywhere just auto replay it,more,draw a equipmnt with a 10 souls use that should give you a piwerful unique items than 100 souls,its can get dark equipment watch my picture
This is a picture
Just do not waste you money ok,play it for fun,wanna get level fast,just shut off your internet then stting date just like 28/8/2017 to 28/8/2016.then you will gain unlimited stamina,double exp thats all bye.when you want to go back to your internet,just tap auto date then it will be settled