Haha ok bro... we'll see about that if your luck really is unstoppable. If you managed to complete a set within a month then you're the man 😄😄

My tip for you is, since the Lightning sword is already in your inventory, try completing that set first if you can. The set effect is great and legit. Attack speed, movement and even dodge speed is very satisfying and you will notice a great difference from the one you currently use. You will know what I mean if you ever completed the set 😎
Haha ok bro... we'll see about that if your luck really is unstoppable. If you managed to complete a...
I understand what you want to say bro
See my stats going higher 😄 but the luck is ended i think 😱 but i will try

My stats
I am just waiting for a good event. 😃 if drawn 100 soul equipment i think i will get a new unique .
I am just waiting for a good event. 😃 if drawn 100 soul equipment i think i will get a new unique .
Nice.. your current gear definitely made you stronger. Now you only have to get 4 of the same items to fully enjoy a whole unique set. And also a wing 😁

If you could save more than a 100 souls then it's better. Did you know that a single draw of 100 souls could give you a maximum of 4 unique items?
Can't believe it but I have seen one post a long time ago and it's true. In my experience the maximum uniques I got in a single draw of 100 is 3 items. It's very rare but possible.
I will give it a try
736K is my ATK.
556K is my DEF.
On which i have to focus now ATK or DEF ?
I am not getting that ice dragon level i am on 21 dungeon level. In previous account i start getting that level on 6 level only .tell me about this.
Currently you should focus on defense cause the unique sword is still powerful enough on hell difficulty. You can upgrade the dark armor now and transfer the upgrades later on if you decided to do so.

In dark dungeon, somebody told me you just have to play continuously until you reach Frozen castle of death. If you can clear every round with 3 stars, it will come faster. Maybe the dragon is afraid to face you 😅😅