SS 11 start with 300 + 100/2 = 350
Season period: 3/29 to 4/11
Reward period: 4/12 to 4/23
Season Ranking System Change
Current system: Ranked by number of trophies
New system: Total number of Team Mode trophies
Upon winning in Team Mode, trophies will be accumulated for each Hero, not by user.
Season ranking will be determined by the number of trophies accumulated by all Heroes.
When the new season starts, Heroes with less than 300 trophies will have the same number of trophies, whereas the Heroes with more than 300 Trophies will start with 300 + 1/2 number trophies over 300. (e.g. Users with 250 trophies will start with 250. Users with 400 trophies will start with 300 + 100/2 = 350)
Trophy points will be reset along with the start of Season 11