Issue regarding the posting of a screenshot

I WAS NOT able to attach my screenshot of my season 6 trophy performance in that thread that WAS pinned to the top of the forums. I was wondering if I could get those 100 gems.

I was able to comment in it on two occasions so I should have gotten 30 gems, but I only saw 3000 coins in my mailbox and no gems.

Here is some proof of the issue (second image.) When I touch the attach image button, I can see the possible pictures to attach. However, after I select which picture/file to attach, the game is REloaded. Previously, before this update, I got "lucky" just once and it didn't get STUCK in the uploading a TEST image in some other thread. In other cases, including my attempt to upload my screen shot in the "official" thread, I was simply stuck in my multiple attempts.

Right NOW, things are better since I have to wait 10-15 seconds for the loading circle to come off my screen, and the image to appear as a thumbnail on top of a plus sign box, without such "error."

The first pic is about how my season 6 performance looks right now in season 7 (i.e. history.)

Please force close and restart the ad to claim the reward. For issues, please use the support feature found in in-game settings. Thank you.