Every melee char click has a very short stun bu po31 is longer then other melee char and skill is very good
Nguyễn Duy
I have to take a shower I'll be back in the game in 8 minutes
I have to eat dinner too :P
Yukio최고의 캐릭터
I have to eat dinner too :P
If you eat dinner quite late, it will be very harmful to your health
It's 7:37 for me so I think I eat early
Yukio최고의 캐릭터
It's 7:37 for me so I think I eat early
Your country's time zone is 2 hours faster than mine
Lets go Asia server
Yukio최고의 캐릭터
It's 7:37 for me so I think I eat early
Or did I miscalculate?
Nguyễn Duy
Your country's time zone is 2 hours faster than mine
Yukio최고의 캐릭터
Lets go Asia server
Ok, Asian2 lag
Nguyễn Duy
Or did I miscalculate?
Idk for me rn it's 7:48 pm