Nice gift
This game is so fun I found out that u can roll and shot if u time it at the same time then I could be an exploit
Love the game, very easy controls. Make sure to get your food and water intakes above your outs. Level up a main character and his weapon, then go to the others. Having one STRONG character helped me a lot. #SHOTGUN :)
Very good Game blyat
Just a personal tip from me: Try to focus your upgrades on the storages of food and water because if you get game overed you will get them filled again so just don't bother about upgrading the other stuff ( but try to keep the gate up )
Seems good so far
So far so good dog and crawlers hard to get some times but thats expected the one hit kill realistic thumb up
Well done with the pixel art. Gameplay is simple too.
I like the game over element that most resource grind games like this do not have. Great potential and good game :)